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Anne T. Thyssen, a Danish/English writer, discovered her love for writing at the age of six. Even as a young child, she dreamt of becoming a writer and sharing her stories with the world. However, it wasn’t until 2019, when she felt burned out and was under lockdown because of the overwhelming presence of the COVID-19 pandemic, that she truly dedicated herself to her craft.

Anne made her debut in 2021 in her country, Denmark, with the short story collection “Hvem Fxck Er Jeg?” and later published a novel called “Flugten Fra København”.

It wasn’t long then Anne discovered the wonders of publishing online and really got her career started by publishing on the online platform Dreame, captivating her readers with her series “Wolves’ Fated Mates”. After reconnecting with her passion for writing, she continued to spread across many platforms and, already at the age of 22, had published over 50 books.

Anne does not keep herself limited by certain genres, but embraces the opportunity to explore various writing styles, captivating readers from diverse backgrounds and interests.

She continues to use each day to write and sharpen her talent while exploring more ways to reach people from all over the world.

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